King Soopers Community Rewards
Update your King Soopers online account to select Douglass Elementary PTO as your non-profit of choice!
King Soopers Community Rewards
King Soopers sends Douglass Elementary PTO a significant donation based on the percentage of all sales made with a linked loyalty card or rewards phone number that has selected us. For Douglass to receive credit for your purchases, please enroll your loyalty number in their COMMUNITY REWARDS program and assign DOUGLASS ELEMENTARY PTO as your recipient organization. Participating in the grocery program is a very easy way for ALL DOUGLASS FAMILIES to grow our contribution from KS through your regular grocery purchases. Please follow these steps today, and we can start earning the rewards with your next purchase at KS!
Here is how:
STEP 1: Go to
STEP 2: Click the blue and green LINK YOUR SHOPPER’S CARD – GET STARTED button on the lower left side
STEP 3: Enter your login information, or create a login with password if you have not previously enrolled
STEP 4: Search for and Select DOUGLASS ELEMENTARY PTO as your community rewards organization
STEP 5: Select the blue ENROLL button below DOUGLASS ELEMENTARY PTO
Friends and family, even those in other states, can support Douglass Elementary using these instructions. Thank you for your support!